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The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is one of the three Faculties of the Open University of Cyprus and includes a total of seven (7) Postgraduate and Bachelor Degree Programmes. The School also offers a doctoral programme with different directions. The Faculty also contributes substantially to the Lifelong Learning Program of the University, since all the Modules of undergraduate and postgraduate level are also offered as independent.

The main mission of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is the following:

  • To train undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, with special emphasis on the scientific subjects of the offered programmes
  • To continuously enrich and renovate the existing Programmes by aligning them with the research developments in the relevant scientific fields.
  • To design and implement new Programmes according to the needs of scientific research, lifelong learning and the labor market, especially in the Greek-speaking area, sometimes in collaboration with other universities and / or stakeholders
  • To promote research in the humanities and social sciences through cutting-edge research programmes and publications of international prestige and influence. To enhance the quality of the education provided in the Programmes by selecting as Adjunct Faculty (Tutors), through transparent, strictly controlled and meritocratic procedures, an amalgam of renowned and talented scientists in their respective disciplines.
  • To ensure the smooth academic progress of its adult students through various support and counseling mechanisms, ensuring the individual progress of each and every one of them
  • To contribute to the further recognition of its students who are already active in various fields of professional and social life
  • To supply with useful professional and cognitive supplies the students who wish to be introduced or to be re-entered in the labor market in branches that are related to the objects of the Faculty
  • To maintain fruitful contacts with the graduates of the Programmes, in order to strengthen the sense of community and belonging
  • To constantly seek osmosis with the wider society, mainly of the Greek-speaking world, through lifelong learning programmes, a series of academic, educational and other activities, but also the participation of its academic staff in the public debate on the top issues of modern societies.

Bachelor Degrees

Master Degrees

No longer available


The doctoral programme of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences aims to promote original research in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.


The offered Doctoral Programmes of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, for the academic year 2025-2026 (fall semester) are: 





LEVEL: Doctorate

DEGREE AWARDED: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



The minimum time required to complete the doctorate is three (3) years, while the maximum duration is eight (8) years.



More information about Doctoral Studies in the Open University of Cyprus: Internal Regulations for Doctoral Studies.



The minimum requirement for admission to the doctoral programme of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is a postgraduate degree from an accredited Higher Education Institution, related or similar to the research areas listed above.






 Vayos Liapis


  • Ancient Greek Tragedy of the classical and postclassical periods
  • Reception of Greek Tragedy
  • Archaic Lyric Poetry
  • Wisdom Literature
  • Hellenistic Poetry
  • Greek Textual Criticism
  • Greek Religion

 Stephanos Efthymiadis


  • Byzantine Literature
  • Byzantine Prosopography
  • Byzantine Social History
  • Historical Geography

 Antonis Petrides


  • Ancient Greek Literature
  • Ancient Greek drama
  • Modern reception of the ancient world
  • Didactics of literature
  • Modern Greek literature of Cyprus

 Avra Sidiripoulou


  • Contemporary Theatre Practice
  • Directing and Acting Theory
  • Current Theories of Performance
  • Contemporary Dramaturgy

 Vicky Karaiskou


  • Visuality
  • Art and Society
  • Cultural Identities
  • National Identities
  • Art and Power
  • Collective Identities
  • Commemoration

 Georgios Deligiannakis


  • Classical Archaeology
  • Ancient History
  • History and Archaeology of the Eastern
  • Mediterranean with emphasis on the Roman and Late Roman Periods

 Maria Gravani


  • Teaching and Learning of Adults
  • Organisation of Adult Education Programmes
  • Teaching and Learning of Adults in Distance Education
  • Adult Education for Social Change
  • Education, Training and Professionalisation of Adult Educators

 Stavroula Tsiplakou


  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Sociolinguistics, dialectology, language contact and language change
  • Educational Linguistics

 Theodoros Giannopoulos     


  • Political history and theory
  • The Indo-European problem and the reception of the past in modern Greece
  • The Aegean Bronze Age
  • Aspects of epistemology, social anthropology and cultural identity of past and present societies



Tuition fees for doctoral programs amounts to €675 per semester for the first six (6) semesters. In case the study lasts longer, then the following applies: for the first five (5) and the last  semester, the cost amounts to €675 per semester and for the remaining semesters, the cost amounts to €100 per semester. No tuition is paid for the "Academic Writing (DXXX796)" and the "Research Methodology (DXXXX795)", which are mandatory at the beginning of the study.



Applications can be submitted exclusively online:

Αιτήσεις Αγγ χωρίς ημερομηνίσ

 Application dates for the fall semester of the academic year 2025-2026: February 26 - May 26, 2025.



OUC's Institutional/Digital Repository "Kypseli" is a WEB designed portal which hosts the Intellectual and Research creations of the Open University of Cyprus.  Additionally, it includes all created digital Collections of multiple projects implemented by the University. You can find the Doctoral Dissertations of OUC PhD Alumni HERE.  



The Open University of Cyprus (OUC), through its participation in the European project "Liaison Offices with the Labour Market", offers to students of all its programmes of study, the optional and free of charge Thematic Unit (i.e. Module) entitled "Industry Placement". This module provides students opportunities for a placement to gain professional experience in their particular field of study, and the hosting institution can be any public or private organisation operating in the Republic of Cyprus.

Each student has the right to participate in this offering once or twice during his / her studies, provided that s/he meets the required conditions.

Request more information by contacting the OUC Liaison Office here.




Dean: Avra Sidiropoulou, Associate Professor

Deputy Dean: Antonis Petrides, Associate Professor

Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου - Open University of Cyprus has 9 registered members
Academic Rank
Phone Number
Academic Consultation Hours
Στέφανος Ευθυμιάδης (Stephanos Efthymiadis)

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Τρίτη/Tuesday,10:30-12:30 &
Τετάρτη/Wednesday, 09:00-12:00
Βάιος Λιαπής (Vayos Liapis)

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Δευτέρα/Monday, 11:00-13:00 &
Παρασκευή/Friday, 10:00-13:00
Μαρία Γραβάνη (Maria Gravani)
Associate Professor

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Τρίτη/Tuesday, 09:00-13:00
Γεώργιος Δεληγιαννάκης (Georgios Deligiannakis)
Associate Professor

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Παρασκευή/Friday, 09:00-14:00
Βάγια (Βίκυ) Καραΐσκου (Vicky Karaiskou)
Associate Professor

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Τετάρτη/Wednesday, 12:00-14:00
Αντώνης Πετρίδης (Antonis Petrides)
Associate Professor

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Τρίτη/Tuesday, 08:00-10:00
Αύρα Σιδηροπούλου (Avra Sidiropoulou)
Associate Professor

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Δευτέρα/Monday, 08:00-13:00
Σταυρούλα Τσιπλάκου (Stavroula Tsiplakou)
Associate Professor

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Δευτέρα/Monday, 19:00-21:00
Θεόδωρος Γιαννόπουλος (Theodoros Giannopoulos)
Assistant Professor

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Τετάρτη/Wednesday, 15:00-19:00

Academic Consultant 
Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη (Elisavet Kiourti) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  +35722411923

Academic Consultation Hours:

Monday – Thursday 08:00 - 12:00




Charoula Christofi  (Secretariat of School of Humanities and Social Sciences), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Tel. 00357-22411743

Yianna Yiasouma, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel. 00357-22411915