Website Headers COS

Magister Artium (MA)

120 ects


Internationally Recognised

Online application submission



Bioethics and Medical Ethics are fields with tremendous dynamic due to the rapid development of biotechnology, genetics, medical technology and, in general, the life sciences. The health care provider nowadays needs to have knowledge and skills that go beyond his / her traditional tasks in order to make decisions about the beginning and the end of life, as well as for the implementation of technological achievements in order to improve the quality of life the protection of their essential inalienable rights of the patients, the protection of their personal data, and much more. Bioethics and Medical Ethics are fields with tremendous dynamic due to the rapid development of biotechnology, genetics, medical technology and, in general, the life sciences. 

To this purpose, the Postgraduate Programme in "Bioethics - Medical Ethics" integrates modules that focus on cutting-edge issues as well as on the theoretical background of Medical Ethics and Bioethics. The Programme is comprehensively structured and aims to the in-depth training of students. The Programme is innovative, on the one hand, in that it will be the only one offered on those two scientific areas in Greece and Cyprus, and on the other hand due to the structure of the curriculum itself that places it in the scientific and academic avant-garde. The Programme offers two academic specializations: a) Bioethics, and b) Medical Ethics.




LEVEL: Postgraduate

DEGREE AWARDED: Magister Artium (MA)



The Postgraduate Programme in "Bioethics - Medical Ethics" is primarily designed to serve the needs of health care professionals, doctors, nurses, researchers and law professionals (arbitrators, mediators, barristers, solicitors, judges etc.) as well as paralegals. It aims to provide students the above-mentioned knowledge and skills on purpose of improving the quality of services they provide, sharpen their critical thinking and render them able to handle critical situations and make key decisions about the course and quality life of those who seek their services. At the same time, the knowledge that students will acquire will make them less vulnerable to moral or legal slippages.


The programme is evaluated and accredited by

ΔΙΠΑΕ μικρό


The Open University of Cyprus (OUC), through its participation in the European project "Liaison Offices with the Labour Market", offers to students of all its programmes of study, the optional and free of charge Thematic Unit (i.e. Module) entitled "Industry Placement". This module provides students opportunities for a placement to gain professional experience in their particular field of study, and the hosting institution can be any public or private organisation operating in the Republic of Cyprus.

Each student has the right to participate in this offering once or twice during his / her studies, provided that s/he meets the required conditions.

Request more information by contacting the OUC Liaison Office here. 


  • Holders of an accredited Bachelor’s degree at the time of registration.
  • Sufficient command of the English language.



The tuition fees for this programme amount to €5,400. The tuition fees per module are  €450 (10 ects module and Master Thesis I) and  €900 for Master Thesis II.

 The fees for each Module for academic years 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 are €360, while the fees for the Master Thesis are €720.


Applications can be submitted exclusively online:

 Αιτήσεις Αγγ χωρίς ημερομηνίσ


Application dates for the fall semester of the Academic year 2025-2026 February 26 - June 9, 2025.



Programme Structure

The Programme offers two academic specializations: a) Bioethics, and b) Medical Ethics. The particular objectives of each one of the two directions are as follows:The Programme offers two academic specializations:

a) Bioethics, and b) Medical Ethics. The particular objectives of each one of the two directions are as follows:

MA Bioethics – Medical Ethics, Academic direction: Bioethics

Next to the general purpose and objectives of the Postgraduate Programme, the particular objectives of the academic concentration on “Bioethics” are the following:

  • To provide in-depth and detailed knowledge to professionals from relevant fields (lawyers, geneticists, biologists, experimental medics, pharmacologists, nursing staff) on crucial current bioethical issues.
  • To provide detailed instruction to individual researchers or to members of research groups on current regulations related to bioethical issues (research protocols, declarations, domestic legislation, codes of deontology).
  • To provide detailed instruction to individual researchers or to members of research groups on current regulations related to bioethical issues (research protocols, declarations, domestic legislation, codes of deontology).
  • To provide the specialization required so as the Programme’s graduates will be eligible for Bioethics Committees or Commissions, Research Deontology Committees, and relevant institutional boards.
  • To enhance critical thinking and promote the dialogue on issues related to Bioethics.

MA Bioethics – Medical Ethics, Academic Direction: Medical Ethics

  • Next to the general purpose and objectives of the Postgraduate Programme, the particular objectives of the academic concentration on “Medical Ethics” are the following:
  • To provide detailed and in-depth knowledge to professional from relevant fields (lawyers, geneticists, biologists, experimental medics, pharmacologists, nursing staff) on crucial issues that fall within the domain of Medical Ethics.
  • To provide specialized expert training to the medical and nursing staff of state and private hospitals and clinics (doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, researchers), so as they will be able to meet the requirements of their profession.
  • To provide detailed knowledge to medical and nursing staff (doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, researchers) on topics related to legal issues that concern their professions, so as to be able to avoid slippages that would render them – and the institutions they work for – vulnerable to law suits.
  • To create specialized personnel eligible to staff Research Deontology Committees or Commissions in state and private health institutions.
  • To enhance critical thinking and promote the dialogue on issues related to Medical Ethics.
Modules Semester  Required / Elective  Pre-requisite Modules  Co-requisite Modules  Workload
Common for all Specializations  Hours ECTS
ΒΙΗ511 History of Moral Theories 1 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ512 Human Rights and Theories of Human Rights 1 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ521 Ethics and Integrity in Research 2 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ611 Neuroethics 3 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ701Α  Master’s Thesis I 3 Required ΒΙΗ511, ΒΙΗ512   250-300 10
ΒΙΗ701Β Master’s Thesis II 4 Required ΒΙΗ511, ΒΙΗ512 ΒΙΗ701Α 250-300 20
Direction: Bioethics             
ΒΙΗ513 Introduction to Applied Ethics and Bioethics 1 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ522 Bioethics and Human Genome** 2 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ523 Bioethics and the Beginning of Life** 2 Elective   ΒΙΗ522 250-300 10
ΒΙΗ524 Bioethics and Enhancement** 2 Elective   ΒΙΗ522 250-300 10
ΒΙΗ612 Bioethics and Law 3 Required   BIH513 250-300 10
ΒΙΗ621 Global Bioethics* 4 Elective     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ622 Bioethics and Health Care Policies* 4 Elective ΒΙΗ511, BIH512, BIH513   250-300 10
Direction: Medical Ethics             
ΒΙΗ514 Introduction to Applied Ethics and Medical Ethics  1 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ525 Introduction to Clinical Ethics 2 Required     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ526 Medical Deontology*** 2 Elective   ΒΙΗ525 250-300 10
ΒΙΗ527 Ethics and Reproductive Health*** 2 Elective   ΒΙΗ525 250-300 10
ΒΙΗ613 Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry 3 Required   BIH514 250-300 10
ΒΙΗ621 Global Bioethics* 4 Elective     250-300 10
ΒΙΗ623 Medical Ethics and Marginal Cases* 4 Elective ΒΙΗ511, BIH512, BIH514   250-300 10
     Total   3000-3600 120
Industry Placement
ΒΙΗ695 Industry Placement (1st placement)   Elective ΒΙΗ511, ΒΙΗ512, ΒΙΗ521, ΒΙΗ611 (all academic specializations), ΒΙΗ513, ΒΙΗ523 (Bioethics), ΒΙΗ514, ΒΙΗ526 (Medical Ethics)     5
ΒΙΗ696 Industry Placement (2nd placement)   Elective ΒΙΗ695     5



* Students can choose either the optional module of their academic direction or the common optional module, i.e.

  • Academic Direction “Bioethics”: BIH621 or BIH622
  • Academic Direction “Medical Ethics”: ΒΙΗ621 or ΒΙΗ623

** Students of the Academic Direction “Bioethics” can choose one (1) of the two (2) offered optional modules, (BIH523, BIH524)

*** Students of the Academic Direction “Medical Ethics” can choose one (1) of the two (2) offered optional modules, (BIH526, BIH527)


Each student can optionally enrol, once or twice, in the free of charge Thematic Module "Industry Placement", which awards five (5) ECTS. The module offers a structured placement, designed to offer students specific industry and professional experience in their particular field of study, and to allow them to build their skills in a real-world setting. 

ΒΙΗ695 - Industry Placement (1st placement)

ΒΙΗ696 - Industry Placement (2nd placement)

Request more information by contacting the OUC Career and Liaison Office here


Programme Director: Evangelos Protopapadakis

Academic Consultant 
Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη (Elisavet Kiourti) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  +35722411923

Ώρες γραφείου/Academic Consultation Hours:

Δευτέρα/Monday – Πέμπτη/Thursday 08:00 - 12:00




Adjunct Faculty (Tutors)

Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου - Open University of Cyprus has 6 registered members
Χάιδω Σπηλιοπούλου (Chaido Spiliopoulou)
ΒΙΗ521: Ηθική και Δεοντολογία της Έρευνας
Module Coordinator

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Φερενίκη Παναγοπούλου (Fereniki Panagopoulou)
ΒΙΗ526: Ιατρική Δεοντολογία
Module Coordinator

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Γεώργιος Μπούτλας (Georgios Boutlas)
ΒΙΗ525: Εισαγωγή στην Κλινική Ηθική
Module Coordinator

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Μαρία Χωριανοπούλου (Maria Chorianopoulou)
ΒΙΗ514: Εισαγωγή στην Εφαρμοσμένη Ηθική και Ιατρική Ηθική, ΒΙΗ522: Βιοηθική και Ανθρώπινο Γονιδίωμα
Module Coordinator

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Μιλτιάδης Βάντσος (Miltiadis Vantsos)
ΒΙΗ621: Παγκόσμια Βιοηθική
Module Coordinator

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Παναγιώτης Κορμάς (Panagiotis Kormas)
ΒΙΗ622: Βιοηθική και Πολιτικές Υγείας
Module Coordinator

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For additional information, please contact Ms. Yianna Yiasouma (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), 00357-22411915