
Why choose Open University of Cyprus?

  • For the opportunity to study in a European public University, offering exclusive open and distance education.
  • For its distance learning, affordable, high quality Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. programmes of study, which meet the needs of the business world, upskill graduates and enable students to fulfil their personal and professional aspirations.
  • For its flexibility, which allows students to fit their studies around personal and professional commitments.
  • For its integrated, state-of-the-art, and user-friendly eLearning Platform, which supports real-time and asynchronous tutor-students interaction, combined with the  multi-format educational material used, all of which allow a seamless learning experience.
  • For its internationally recognised academics (faculty members) and experienced teaching staff (adjunct tutors), all PhD holders, selected after competitive processes ensuring expertise and profound knowledge of their subject areas.
  • For the academic support and study guidance provided by experienced and influential teaching staff (faculty and adjunct tutors), making effective use of OUC’s synchronous and asynchronous communication tools, online lectures and tutorials.
  • For the opportunity to interact with fellow students, peers and academics located anywhere in the world through university forums and the social community.



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