Application Process:

Prospective students are invited to submit their applications for the various programmes of study only online through the website of the Open University of Cyprus, selecting the relevant link “Applications” or through the Portal of the Student Welfare Services, at the following web link:

When applying, candidates are asked to scan all required enclosures and certificates and attach them.

Admission Requirements:

Each programme has its own minimum admission requirements. Interested candidates should check all individual programme entries for details. Programmes administered jointly by OUC and other institutions may have specific requirements; please consult individual programme entries.

Applicants that meet the minimum admission requirements, will be randomly selected for enrollment to the respective programs.

Academic Year – Starting Date

Students enroll in the programmes of study according to a cohort model. After registration, student cohorts for the various Modules of the programmes of study are organised and students are notified of their schedules. The tutors upload (where applicable) the educational materials and, in early September, the academic year officially begins with the first teacher-student Tutorial (Group Advisory Meeting).

The official application period for admission to all available programmes of study, at all levels (undergraduate, Master and doctoral) is announced by the University.