Beneficiaries of the discounts below are only students who pay tuition fees at postgraduate and doctoral programmes of study. Students are eligible to apply for one category of discount / scholarship.






1. Two members of the same family studying at the same time (valid for first-degree relatives only).


- Birth or Marital Status Certificate (recently issued)

- ID card

2. Single parents (with one or two dependent children)


- Single Parent allowance Certificate from the country  of residence

3. Special discount benefit to Open University of Cyprus graduates to continue their studies at the OUC:

- enrolment in a 2nd programme of study

- enrolment in 3rd programme of study






4. Students with large families

- 3 dependent children

- 4 children

- 5 children

- 6 and above dependent children






 - Birth Certificates of dependent children

 - Dependent children

According to Cypriot legislation, dependent children are considered to be unmarried children who:

  • Are up to 18 years old.
  • Are up to 20 years old, provided they are attending a secondary education institution.
  • Are up to 21 years old, provided they are serving in the National Guard.
  • Are students up to 23 years old, or up to 24 years old in the case of male students who have completed their service in the National Guard.
  • Regardless of age, are unable to take care of themselves on a permanent basis.

5.  Recipients of minimum guaranteed income, as defined by the Law on “Minimum Guaranteed Income and Social Benefits in General” of 2014 (L.109 (I) / 2014)

* applies only to citizens of the Republic of Cyprus


 -Relevant official certificate, with a date of issue within the last six (6) months

 6. Students with special needs


- Recently issued special needs allowance certificate

 7. Unemployed students


 - Recent Certificate from an official state service


Interested students should :

  • submit their request for the reduction by sending the necessary supporting documents to the e-mailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating in the subject: Programme, Student Name, ID and Discount Category (1-7).


The deadline for applying for a discount is always before the begin of the registration period to the thematic modules. The specific dates are announced to students by the Academic Affair and Student Welfare Services.


For more information:

Tel: +357 22411600, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.