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240 ects


Internationally Recognised

Online application submission



The Undergraduate Programme “Studies in Hellenic Culture” introduces students to the culture developed in the Greek-speaking world from antiquity to the present day, charting its metamorphoses and transformations, its contradictions and complexities. Through this critical lens, the Programme underscores the fundamental association between cultural processes and historical determinants.

The wider goal of the Programme is to build such cognitive, metacognitive, methodological, and epistemological foundations to allow students to delve deep into the cultural phenomena at large and to realise that what one calls ‘culture’ or ‘national/ cultural identity’ is, in fact, a construct of an often grievously antagonised and anxiety-ridden, ideological and political nature. The Programme emphasises the study of primary sources (texts, artworks, archaeological material, etc.) as a means of achieving theoretical awareness and honing critical sensibilities and research skills.  


European Credit Units - ECTS: 240

Teaching Language: Greek

Level of Studies: Undergraduate

Title to be Awarded: Bachelor’s degree (BA)



The Programme graduates are employable in a variety of professional sectors, such as the culture industry ( organisations, museums, cultural services, etc.), tourism, education and the civil service. Moreover, students who have completed the Modules “Ancient Greek Language” (I, II) and “Latin Language” (I, II) are eligible to participate in the Republic of Cyprus state examination to be appointed in secondary education. 


The programme is evaluated and accredited by

ΔΙΠΑΕ μικρό


The Open University of Cyprus (OUC), through its participation in the European project "Liaison Offices with the Labour Market", offers to students of all its programmes of study, the optional and free of charge Thematic Unit (i.e. Module) entitled "Industry Placement". This module provides students opportunities for a placement to gain professional experience in their particular field of study, and the hosting institution can be any public or private organisation operating in the Republic of Cyprus.

Each student has the right to participate in this offering once or twice during his / her studies, provided that s/he meets the required conditions.

Request more information by contacting the OUC Liaison Office here.




  • Certificate of Secondary Education (‘Apolytirion’) or equivalent.
  • Competence in the use of computers and basic IT resources (Internet, email, etc.)
  • Sufficient command of the English language is not mandatory, but it is considered necessary.



The total administrative cost of the Programme is €7000. The cost of each Module (Thematic Unit) is €350. Administrative costs are charged per Module.

The total administrative cost for non E.U. citizens is €9100 and the cost of each Module is €455.



Applications can be submitted exclusively online:

Αιτήσεις Αγγ χωρίς ημερομηνίσ

Application dates for the spring semester of the Academic year 2024-2025 : September 16 - November 12, 2024.





To obtain a bachelor's degree, successful attendance and examination in at least twenty (20) modules, twelve (12) core and eight (8) elective modules are required. The programme offers three (3) directions: (a) Literature, (b) History - Archeology - Art and (c) General. The student can choose up to three (3) core modules and up to two (2) elective modules per semester. Attendance of the modules offered in the first and second year of study is mandatory.

Programme of Study Layout
Modules Direction*   Semester  Required / Elective Pre-requisite Modules Workload
      Hours ECTS
ΕΛΛ111, Introduction to the Study of Civilization (Theory and Practice) G 1st Required   250-300 10
ΕΛΛ112, Ancient Greek History (1200 BCE - 330 CE) G 1st Required   250-300 10
ΕΛΛ113, Ancient Greek Art (1200 BCE – 330 CE) G 1st Required   250-300 10
ΕΛΛ121, Byzantine History (330 - 1453 CE) G 2nd Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ122, Byzantine Art (330 - 1453 CE) G 2nd Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ123, Modern Greek History I (1770 - 1909) G 2nd Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ211, Ancient Greek Literature (Archaic – Classical Periods) G 3nd Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ212, Modern Greek History IΙ (1909 - 1949) G 3nd Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ213, Modern Greek Literature I (16th-19th century) G 3nd Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ221, Ancient Greek Philosophy (Plato-Aristotle) G 4th Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ222, Hellenistic and Early Byzantine Literature (3rd c. BCE -7th c. CE) G 4th Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ223, Modern Greek Literature II (20th century) G 4th Required ΕΛΛ111 250-300 10
ΕΛΛ311, Αncient Greek Ι L 5th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ312, Latin Ι L 5th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ313, Aspects of Modern Greek Literature (20th Century) L 5th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ321, Αncient Greek ΙΙ L 6th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ322, Latin ΙΙ L 6th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ323, Aspects of Ancient Greek and Byzantine Philosophy L 6th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ411, Αncient Greek Theatre Ι (Tragedy) L 7th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113, ΕΛΛ211, ΕΛΛ212, ΕΛΛ213 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ412, Byzantine Literature (7th–15th century) L 7th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113, ΕΛΛ211, ΕΛΛ212, ΕΛΛ213 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ413, Aspects of Ancient Greek Literature L 7th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113, ΕΛΛ211, ΕΛΛ212, ΕΛΛ213 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ420, Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Greek Literature L 8th Elective   375-450 15
ΕΛΛ421, Αncient Greek Theatre IΙ (Comedy) L 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123, ΕΛΛ221, ΕΛΛ222, ΕΛΛ223 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ423, Linguistics L 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123, ΕΛΛ221, ΕΛΛ222, ΕΛΛ223 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ410, Αncient Greek ΙΙI L 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ314, Aspects of Ancient Greek Art H.A.A. 5th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ315, Aspects of Roman History H.A.A. 5th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ316, Introduction to Epigraphy and Numismatics H.A.A. 5th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ324, Aspects of the History of Late Antiquity H.A.A. 6th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ325, History of Ancient and Medieval Cyprus H.A.A. 6th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ326, Aspects of Economical and Social History of the Modern Greek World H.A.A. 6th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ414, Modern History of Cyprus (1878 - 1974) H.A.A. 7th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113,ΕΛΛ211, ΕΛΛ212, ΕΛΛ213 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ415, Modern Greek Art: Sculpture-Painting H.A.A. 7th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113, ΕΛΛ211, ΕΛΛ212, ΕΛΛ213 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ418, Political Thought and Action in Ancient Greece H.A.A. 7th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ112, ΕΛΛ113 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ424, Archaeological Theory and Practice H.A.A. 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123, ΕΛΛ221, ΕΛΛ222, ΕΛΛ223 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ425, Art and Theatre in Modern Greece and Cyprus H.A.A. 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123, ΕΛΛ221, ΕΛΛ222, ΕΛΛ223 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ426, Aspects of Byzantine Art H.A.A. 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123, ΕΛΛ221, ΕΛΛ222, ΕΛΛ223 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ428, Ancient Greek religion and ritual H.A.A. 8th Elective ΕΛΛ111, ΕΛΛ121, ΕΛΛ122, ΕΛΛ123 375-450 15
ΕΛΛ499, BA Thesis G 8th Elective   375-450 15
Total   6000-7200 240
Industry Placement
ΕΛΛ495, Industry Placement (1st placement)     Elective     5
ΕΛΛ496, Industry Placement (2nd placement)     Elective     5


* Directions: G-General, L-Literature, H.A.A.-History/Archeology/Art


Direction: General

It combines modules from the above two directions of Literature and History-Archeology-Art


Each student can optionally enrol, once or twice, in the free of charge Thematic Module "Industry Placement", which awards five (5) ECTS. The module offers a structured placement, designed to offer students specific industry and professional experience in their particular field of study, and to allow them to build their skills in a real-world setting. 

ΕΛΛ495 - Industry Placement (1st placement)

ΕΛΛ496 - Industry Placement (2nd placement)

Request more information by contacting the OUC Career and Liaison Office here.

If you would like to request more information about the "Industry Placement" Thematic Unit / Module ELL495 and ELL496, please contact the OUC Liaison Office here.

Academic Personnel

Georgios Deligiannakis, Associate Professor, Module coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0035722411984

Stephanos Efthymiadis, Professor, Module coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0035722411982

Antonis Petrides, Associate Professor, Programme Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.0035722411983


Theodoros Giannopoulos, Assistant Professor, ΕΛΛ424, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0035722411924


Academic Consultant 
Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη (Elisavet Kiourti) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  +35722411923

Ώρες γραφείου/Academic Consultation Hours:

Δευτέρα/Monday – Πέμπτη/Thursday 08:00 - 12:00



Adjunct Faculty (Tutors)

Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου - Open University of Cyprus has 17 registered members
Ανδρέας Σεραφείμ (Andreas Serafim)
ΕΛΛ321: Αρχαία Ελληνικά ΙΙ
Module Coordinator

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Χαράλαμπος Μεσσής (Charalampos Messis)
ΕΛΛ121: Βυζαντινή Ιστορία (330 μ.Χ. - 1453 μ.Χ.)
Module Coordinator

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Χρήστος Δανιήλ (Christos Daniil)
ΕΛΛ223: Νεοελληνική Λογοτεχνία ΙΙ (20ος αιώνας)
Module Coordinator

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Χρυσούλα Μπελέκου (Chrysoula Belekou)
ΕΛΛ426: Θέματα Βυζαντινής Τέχνης
Module Coordinator

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Δημήτριος Σταματόπουλος (Dimitrios Stamatopoulos)
ΕΛΛ123: Νεοελληνική Ιστορία Ι (1770 - 1897)
Module Coordinator

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Ευθύμιος Ρίζος (Efthymios Rizos)
ΕΛΛ121: Βυζαντινή Ιστορία (330 μ.Χ. - 1453 μ.Χ.)

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Ειρήνη Ευδοκία Νούσια (Eirini Evdokia Nousia)
ΕΛΛ322: Λατινικά ΙΙ
Module Coordinator

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Ελένη Κακλαμάνου (Eleni Kaklamanou)
ΕΛΛ221: Αρχαία Ελληνική Φιλοσοφία (Πλάτων - Αριστοτέλης)
Module Coordinator

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Εμμανουήλ Πλούσος (Emmanouil Plousos)
ΕΛΛ222: Ελληνιστική και πρώιμη Βυζαντινή Λογοτεχνία (3ος αι. π.Χ. - 7ος αι. μ.Χ.)
Module Coordinator

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Ιωάννης Παπαχρήστου (Ioannis Papachristou)
ΕΛΛ221: Αρχαία Ελληνική Φιλοσοφία (Πλάτων - Αριστοτέλης)

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Κερασία Στρατίκη (Kerasia Stratiki)
ΕΛΛ428: Αρχαία Ελληνική Θρησκεία. Μύθος και Τελετουργία
Module Coordinator

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Κωνσταντίνος Σπυρίδων Δουκάκης (Konstantinos Spyridon Doukakis)
ΕΛΛ326: Θέματα Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Ιστορίας του Σύγχρονου Ελληνισμού
Module Coordinator

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Κωνσταντίνος Ρούσσος (Konstantinos Roussos)
ΕΛΛ122: Βυζαντινή Τέχνη (330 μ.Χ. - 1453 μ.Χ.)

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Kωνσταντίνος Παύλου (Kostis Pavlou)
ΕΛΛ223: Νεοελληνική Λογοτεχνία ΙΙ (20ος αιώνας)

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Λυκούργος Κουρκουβέλας (Lykourgos Kourkouvelas)
ΕΛΛ111: Εισαγωγή στη Σπουδή του Πολιτισμού (Θεωρία και Πράξη)
Module Coordinator

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Mαρία Παπαδάκη (Maria Papadaki)
ΕΛΛ122: Βυζαντινή Τέχνη (330 μ.Χ. - 1453 μ.Χ.)
Module Coordinator

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Σπύρος Αρμοστής (Spyros Armostis)
ΕΛΛ423: Γλωσσολογία
Module Coordinator

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Administrative personnel: Charoula Christofi  (Temporary Office Assistant)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. 00357-22411743