WebsiteProgrammeBanner ΕΝΔ 90 ECTS EN

Magister Artium (MA)

90 ects


Internationally Recognised

Online application submission



Our hyper-communicative world produces new needs and brand new challenges for the professionals in the fields of communication and journalism, as the ways we communicate, network, publish and consume media content changes. The profession of journalism evolves, not only because journalists have to adapt to the digital transformation, but also because they have to respond to the current market and audiences’ needs. At the same time we witness a conversion between journalism and communication.

The MA Communication and Νew Journalism responds to this conversion and aims to equip the students with the adequate knowledge, methodologies and practical tools in the field of Media and more specific in those of Journalism and Communications.

The main goal of the program is to provide substantial and applied knowledge in the field of communications strategy, networking and content production and dissemination. One of the focal points is the familiarization with digital tools and platforms for applied communications and journalism.


European Credit Units - ECTS: 90

Teaching Language: Greek

Level of Studies: Postgraduate

Title to be Awarded: Magister Artium (MA)



The Postgraduate Programme offers employment options in several fields. Graduates can be employed as communication consultants, journalists, communication - brand managers, marketing directors, advertisers, public relations managers, social media managers.

They can also work on writing, publishing, organising and promoting all kinds of publications (books, newspapers, magazines, advertising and newsletters and digital applications). Further, they can work on writing texts for television and radio productions, interviews, portraits, documentaries and feature stories. At the same time, a postgraduate degree can be a tool for improving the social and working life of any conscious citizen, regardless of profession.


The programme is evaluated and accredited by

ΔΙΠΑΕ μικρό


The Open University of Cyprus (OUC), through its participation in the European project "Liaison Offices with the Labour Market", offers to students of all its programmes of study, the optional and free of charge Thematic Unit (i.e. Module) entitled "Industry Placement". This module provides students opportunities for a placement to gain professional experience in their particular field of study, and the hosting institution can be any public or private organisation operating in the Republic of Cyprus.

Each student has the right to participate in this offering once or twice during his / her studies, provided that s/he meets the required conditions.

Request more information by contacting the OUC Liaison Office here.



The minimum requirement for admission to a postgraduate programme is an undergraduate degree from an accredited Higher Education Institution.

Candidates are also advised to have the following skills:

-Very good knowledge of English, as they will be asked to access English-language bibliography.

-Adequate knowledge of computers (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), and Internet, in order to be able to meet the educational requirements of distance learning.

-Be familiar with the Media and Social Media.

-A computer with an internet connection, headphones and microphone, as they will actively participate in teleconferences.
Smartphone, as they will be asked to use it during the educational process.  



The tuition fees for this programme amount to €5,400. The tuition fees per module are €600 (for 10 ects module)  and €900 (for 15 ects module and for Master Thesis I and Master Thesis II). 



Applications can be submitted exclusively online:


 Αιτήσεις Αγγ χωρίς ημερομηνίσ

Application dates for the fall semester of the Academic year 2024-2025 : March 4 - June 14, 2024.



COMMUNICATION AND NEW JOURNALISM - 120 ects (offered for the last time in the academic year 2020-2021)


The programme offers two (2) academic directions:

  • Communication
  • New Journalism

To complete the programme and obtain a postgraduate degree in "Communication and New Journalism" successful attendance and examination are required:

-in eight (8) semester Modules or

-in six (6) semester Modules and in addition the completion of a Master Thesis.


Programme of Study Layout
Communication and New Journalism
Modules   Semester  Required / Elective  Pre-requisite Modules  Co-requisite Modules  Workload
Hours ECTS 
Common for all Specializations
END511  Contemporary World: The Political Condition 1 Required     250-300  10
END512  Understanding Media: The Message 1 Required    END511 250-300  10
END513  Contemporary Approaches to Communication and Journalism 1 Required    END511, END512 250-300  10
END521  Contemporary World: The Social Condition 2 Required END511    250-300  10
END522  Understanding the Message: The Effects 2 Required END511, END512   END521 250-300  10
END701Α  Master Thesis Ι 3 Elective END511, END512, END513, END521, END522, END523 OR END524    375-450  15
END701Β  Master Thesis ΙI 3 Elective END511, END512, END513, END521, END522, END523 OR END524   END701Α  375-450  15
END523  Strategic Communication 2 Required END511, END512, END513   END521, END522 250-300  10
END611  Creative Strategies in Digital Communication 3 Elective END511, END512, END513, END521, END522 , END523    375-450  15
END612  Marketing and Communications 3 Elective END511, END512, END513, END521, END522, END523  END611  375-450  15
New Journalism
END524  The Challenges of New Journalism 2 Required END511, END512, END513   END521, END522 250-300  10
END613  Profession: Journalist 3 Elective END511, END512, END513, END521, END522, END524    375-450  15
END614  Digital Storytelling 3 Elective END511, END512, END513, END521, END522, END524  END613  375-450  15
Total       2250-2700  90


Academic Consultant 
Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη (Elisavet Kiourti) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  +35722411923

Ώρες γραφείου/Academic Consultation Hours:

Δευτέρα/Monday – Πέμπτη/Thursday 11:00 - 15:00



Adjunct Faculty (Tutors)

Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου - Open University of Cyprus has 5 registered members
Ευαγγελία Χατζοπούλου (Evangelia Chatzopoulou)
ΕΝΔ612: Επικοινωνία και Μάρκετινγκ Περιεχομένου: Σχεδιασμός και Υλοποίηση ολοκληρωμένης στρατηγικής
Module Coordinator

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Γεώργιος Μεταξιώτης (Georgios Metaxiotis)
ΕΝΔ614: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση
Module Coordinator

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Ματίνα Πέππα (Matina Peppa)
ΕΝΔ611: Δημιουργικές Στρατηγικές στην Ψηφιακή Επικοινωνία
Module Coordinator

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Πάνος Κολιαστάσης (Panos Koliastasis)
ΕΝΔ522: Κατανοώντας το μήνυμα: Οι Επιδράσεις, ΕΝΔ523: Στρατηγική Επικοινωνία
Module Coordinator

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Σωτήριος Τριανταφύλλου (Sotirios Triantafyllou)
ΕΝΔ524: Οι προκλήσεις της Νέας δημοσιογραφίας
Module Coordinator

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For additional information, please contact Ms. Yianna Yiasouma (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), 00357-22411915.