This Health Policy and Planning MSc Programme aims to offer specialised knowledge and cultivate skills and informed approaches for a range of Health Policy scientific subjects, through a multi-perspective analysis of the complexity of health systems. The Programme is designed specifically for people with an interest in issues of Health Policy, Strategic Planning and Leadership in Health Services.
European Credit Units - ECTS: 120
Teaching Language: Greek
Level of Studies: Postgraduate
Title to be Awarded: Magister Scientiae (MSc)
The Master Programme is addressed to:
- University and Technological Institutions graduates from related departments, specifically graduates of Science, Health Professions, Psychology, Social and Political Sciences, Administration / Management, Economics and Informatics.
- Executives of (public or private) Health or Insurance Services, Organisations and Companies (such as Ministries, Insurance Companies, Social Insurance Institutions, Municipality and Local Authorities, Pharmaceutical Companies, Medical supplies and equipment companies), mainly but not limited to Cyprus and Greece.
- Executives of Health Units of the public or private sector (such as Hospitals, Health Centers, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centers), mainly but not limited to Cyprus and Greece.
- Executives of Non-Governmental Organisations and Non-Profit Organisations in the broader health and social insurance system.
- Other university graduates who either have an interest in specific aspects of health policy or are interested in research on health services.
The tuition fees for each module (Thematic Unit) amount to 675€, while the tuition fees for the Master Thesis are 1,350€.
The tuition fees for the completion of the Master programme in "Health Policy and Planning" amount to 5.400€.
The Programme is no longer available for admission.
The Programme is offered in semester Modules of 15 ECTS and in the full-time study can be completed in two academic years. The student can choose up to four modules per Academic Year (two per semester). The attendance of four Modules per academic year is equivalent to full-time study. The programme starts in mid-September and ends at the end of May. The final written exams take place at the end of each semester, i.e. January and May, according to the University Academic Calendar.
In order to complete the Programme and obtain the Master's degree, it is necessary to successfully pass the four compulsory modules, two of the five electives and to successfully complete the Master Thesis.
Semester A (Fall)
- PYS 611 - Health Policy and Politics (mandatory)
- PYS 613 - Health Care Strategic Planning and Evaluation (mandatory)
Semester B (Spring)
- PYS 610 - Information Technology and Healthcare Systems (mandatory)
- PYS 614 - Health Services Financing and Delivery (mandatory)
Semester C (Fall) (selecting one out of three available)
- PYS 621 - E- Health & Health Policy
- PYS 623 – Legal and Ethical Issues in Health
- PYS 625 - Introduction to Epidemiology and Research Methodology
Additionally (Register and start working on Master Thesis)
- PYS 701- Master Thesis
Semester D (Spring) (selecting one out of two available)
- PYS 612 - Human Resource Management & Leadership
- PYS 622 - Pharmaceutical Policy and Health Technology Assessment
Additionally (Continuation and possible completion of Master Thesis)
- PYS 701- Master Thesis
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Academic Personnel
Elpidoforos Soteriades, Associate Professor,
Michael Talias, Associate Professor, Academic Coordinator,
For additional information, please contact Ms Vasiliou Vasiliki (Assistant Office Administrator)
Tel.: 00357-22411988