Website Headers COS

Magister Scientiae (Msc)

90 ects


Internationally Recognised

Online application submission



The Master program in "Sustainable Environmental Engineering" aims to combine fields of Chemical Engineering, such as Sanitary Engineering, Energy, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Ultrasound-Chemistry Applications, Engineering and Technology Applications, Industrial Safety and Health, Detection pollutants techniques, etc., and fields of Environmental Engineering, such as Solid Waste Engineering, Wastewater Engineering, Green Entrepreneurship, City Metabolism, Smart Cities, Energy Certification of Buildings, Strategies Development (i.e Circular Economy, European Green Deal SDGs etc.).

The Master's program, using a multidisciplinary approach and the methodology of open and distance learning, aims to contribute to the promotion of Sustainable Environmental Engineering at the social, industrial and local level.

More specific, the Master aims:

  • To educate the new generation of scientists so that they have a more holistic understanding of waste treatment technologies, chemical processes, water and waste water decontamination technologies, hydrocarbon management, energy storage technologies, sanitary engineering, etc., given the sustainable development requirements.
  • To educate the new generation of scientists to be able to handle environmental tools (i.e. Life Cycle Analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment, etc) to implement environmental management systems (i.e. ISO 14001, EMAS, Eco-Label etc) and environmental impact assessment programs using life cycle analysis and process analysis models (i.e, Open LCA, Simapro, Gabi etc).
  • To educate the new generation of scientists so that they are able to fully develop strategic development plans with emphasis on waste treatment as well as on zero waste and waste prevention.
  • To educate the new generation of scientists so that they can design and implement solutions based on the Circular economy strategy, European Green deal, Sustainable Development Goals, Industial Symbiosis etc in order to move towards to a low-carbon society.
  • To educate the new generation of scientists so that they can determine and measure the level of environmental performance of a region through indicators (environmental, economic, social).
  • To educate the new generation of scientists so that they understand and address the impact of climate change, and in the social-economy globalization, markets, international and European relations, environmental governance - as well as the opportunities, and obstacles created by climate change in the natural environment and in human activities.
  • To educate the new generation of scientists so that they can develop relevant knowledge in fields such as environmental engineering, smart cities (through ISO 37101, ISO 37120) urban metabolism, materials engineering, green technologies, energy management, solid and liquid waste treatment, decision-making tools (multi criteria analysis etc).
  • Managing senior executives and (re)training high-level human resources in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Safety and Health, Environmental Policy, Metabolism, etc.
  • Towards the development of new technologies for waste treatment, the rational promotion of environmental impact assessment models through life cycle analysis models, as well as the identification and definition of health and safety programs at the industrial level. Particular emphasis will be placed on training students on the environmental impact assessment process.
  • To educate the new generation of Engineers and Consulting Engineers on environmental legislation and strategies promoted at European level to fully implement sustainable programs and practices for better and more effective resource management.
  • To present and analyse policies with emphasis on green growth, blue economy, strategies and goals set by the United Nations, Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy Strategy, and to train students to prepare indicators in order to measure the level of sustainability in one area.
  • To educate the new generation of Consulting Engineers in Green Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility. Students will be trained in the preparation and implementation of environmental management standards such as ISO 14001, EMAS, Eco Label, Green Key, CSR etc.
  • To educate the new generation of Engineering and Consulting Engineers in Materials Technology, Advanced Energy Production and Storage Technologies.
  • To educate the new generation of engineers and consultants in the field of pollution assessment in order to enable students to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge on the chemical quality parameters of aquatic ecosystems (surface, underground and marine waters), processes for pollution from human activities and for the methods for monitoring and assessing their environmental quality.
  • To educate the new generation of Engineers and Engineering Consultants in Mechanisms and Technologies for the Recovery and Conservation of Soil Quality, and to provide knowledge to take regional and national scale measures and operational plans for soil rehabilitation.



LEVEL: Postgraduate (Masters)

DEGREE AWARDED: Magister Scientiae (MSc)


  • In Companies and Organizations as a Control Engineer and Production Engineer
  • In Companies, Industries and Organizations as Heads of Environmental Control and or Environmental Managers
  • In Government Services (Department of Environment, Department of Labor Inspection, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Municipalities, Planning Authority, Prefectures or Regions, etc.) as Environmental Inspectors
  • In Governmental Services, Municipalities in matters of Environmental Management
  • As Safety Officers (they will have the opportunity to meet the necessary hours required and to attend the examinations of the Labor Inspection Department of Cyprus and if they pass the examinations, they will be able to obtain a license to practice in Safety and Health services – External health and safety services)
  • In Governmental Services mainly with a portfolio related to issues of environment, agriculture, ecosystems, energy, city planning, etc.
  • As freelancers Consultants to organize, prepare and submit several studies i.e energy efficiency of buildings, the installation and operation of renewable energy systems, environmental impact assessment studies, to propose solution for environmental friendly technologies for the industrial level, to prepare health and  safety as well as risk assessment analysis for several industrial activities, to define environmental risk and proposed corrective actions, to propose  waste Strategic studies for the management of liquid and solid waste, etc. In addition, they will be in position to deliver a zero waste approach study as well as Life Cycle Analysis for several economical activities
  • They will have the chance to work as energy inspector (after they will pass the relevant exams from the Ministry of Energy Commerce and Industry)
  • They will have the opportunity to be selected as environmental inspectors in the departments of Environment in Cyprus and Greece as well as in local authorities
  • They will have the chance to work in NGOs as well as they will have the opportunity to organize seminars to train employees from other economic activities. Considering this they will have the opportunity to have the exams from the Human Resource Department and receive the honour of “Train the Trainers”
  • To be selected and work in environmental research projects at university level
  • To work as Environmental and/or Health and Safety Auditors on behalf of certification bodies.



  • The minimum requirement for admission to a postgraduate programme is an undergraduate degree from an accredited Higher Education Institution.
  • Scientific bibliography in English (scientific articles and books) is widely used in the Master's. It is, therefore, necessary for students to have familiarity with the English language to study such texts, but also to attend lectures in English. Especially during the preparation of their master's thesis, students will mainly use English bibliography. It is noted, however, that students will not be required to produce a written or oral speech in English.


The tuition fees for this programme amount to €3,900. The tuition fees per module are €390 and €780 for the master thesis. Open University of Cyprus’ Council has decided to grant an extra 10% discount for the chosen Thematic Units of the academic year 2024-2025.  



Applications can be submitted exclusively online:

 Αιτήσεις Αγγ χωρίς ημερομηνίσ

Application dates for the fall semester of the academic year 2025-2026: February 26 - June 9, 2025.


Programme of Study Layout
Modules Semester Required / Elective Pre-requisite Modules Co-requisite Modules Workload
Hours ECTS
Common for all Specializations
ΧΜΠ511   Introduction and Implementation to Circular Economy Strategy   Α (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ512 Green Entrepreneurship Α (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ513 Waste Water Engineering  Α (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ521 Occupation Health and Safety  Β (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ522 Fossil Fuel and Air Pollution Β (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ523 Solid Waste Engineering  Β (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ699 Master Thesis Induction  Β (1st, 2nd Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 0 0
ΧΜΠ611 Energy Production and Storage  Α (2nd, 3rd   Semester) R Not Applicable Not Applicable 250 10
ΧΜΠ701 Master Thesis  Α (2nd, 3rd Semester) R ΧΜΠ699 Not Applicable 375 15
ΧΜΠ612 Climate Adaptation – Ethics  Α (2nd, 3rd Semester) E Not Applicable Not Applicable 75 5
ΧΜΠ613 Soil Remediation Technologies Α (2nd, 3rd Semester) E Not Applicable Not Applicable 75 5
ΧΜΠ614 Monitoring and assessment of aquatic pollution Α (2nd, 3rd Semester) E Not Applicable Not Applicable 75 5
ΧΜΠ615 Bioengineering – Environment  Α (2nd, 3rd Semester) E Not Applicable Not Applicable 75 5
  Work Experience    E Not Applicable Not Applicable 75 5
Total      2200 90
Industry Placement
ΧΜΠ695 Industry Placement (1st placement)   E Not Applicable

does not count towards

earning the degree

ΧΜΠ696 Industry Placement (2nd placement)   E ΧΜΠ695   5


Each student can optionally enrol, once or twice, in the free of charge Thematic Module "Industry Placement", which awards five (5) ECTS. The module offers a structured placement, designed to offer students specific industry and professional experience in their particular field of study, and to allow them to build their skills in a real-world setting. 

ΧΜΠ695 - Industry Placement (1st placement)

ΧΜΠ696 - Industry Placement (2nd placement)

Request more information by contacting the OUC Career and Liaison Office here.

Antonis Zorpas, Associate Professor, Programme Director, ΧΜΠ523, Module coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0035722411936

Marinos Stylianou, Assistant Professor, ΧΜΠ522, Module coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.0035722411894

Irene Voukkali, Lecturer, ΧΜΠ521, Module coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.0035722411891

For additional information, please contact Ms. Marianna Prodromou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), 00357-22411651 or/and Ms. Xenia Pavli, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), 00357-22411968.

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