- Κωδικός / Course Code: ΠΠΑ701A
- ECTS: 15
- Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment: Weekly Work / Intermediate Progress Report
- Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (χειμερινό) / Semi-annual (fall)
- Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: €550
- Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate
- Προαπαιτούμενα/ Prerequisites: ΠΠΑ511: Culture and Cultural Studies ΠΠΑ512: Cultural Policy and Cultural Management ΠΠΑ521: Culture Economics and Management
- Αναλυτική πληροφόρηση: PPA701A.eng_11.2023.pdf
During the second year of their studies (on full-time enrolment), students can prepare a Masters Dissertation.
The Masters Dissertation involves writing a text of 12,000-15,000 words.
The dissertation consists of two modules, ΠΠΑ701A and ΠΠΑ701B, over the 3rd and 4th semesters, with a value of 15 + 15 ECTS, respectively.
Each research subject focuses mainly on Cyprus and Greece, it relates to a topic that emerged from the modules taught during the previous semesters, it is original (not elaborated in previous or concurrent master thesis), and, thus, contributes to the originality of research in the cultural field. The final result (the text of the dissertation) also serves as examination to the two modules it consists of (ΠΠΑ701A and ΠΠΑ701B).
The subject proposed by the student must be accepted by the Academic Coordinator of the programme, who appoints a three-member committee for each student. The three-member committee is approved by the relevant Faculty (in this case by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences), and consists of the supervisor of the dissertation plus two members. All three members, especially the supervisor, have research and scientific experience and expertise in topics related to the proposed subject.
During the first part of the Master Dissertation (3rd semester of study), the student, in co-operation with the supervisor, finalizes the main points of the framework and the particular research outcomes of the dissertation’s subject. The detailed description of the subject, the framework of research, its purpose, necessity and originality, the methodology and the basic research questions, along with an indicative bibliography and work schedule, are documented in the a specific document, the ΑΠΚΥ63.
This form is signed both by the student and the supervisor of the dissertation. The student then posts it on the dissertation platform of the MA "Cultural Policy and Development".
Although it is only signed by the supervisor, the form is communicated in time (by the supervisor) and discussed with the two other members of the committee, so that all three can agree on the above-mentioned points of the proposed research.
At the end of the 3rd semester, the student is invited to complete the document ΑΠΚΥ157. This form constitutes the intermediate progress report of the dissertation. Within approximately 5,000-6,000 words it describes the objectives, as listed in the document APKY63; the development of the research and the objectives achieved until that time (by the end of the first part of the dissertation). It provides feedback to the research questions, as well as the estimated time schedule and further research steps to follow until the completion of the dissertation during the next academic semester.
Same as with document ΑΠΚΥ63, even though the ΑΠΚΥ157 form is only signed by the supervisor of the dissertation, it is communicated to the other two members of the committee (by the supervisor), and together the three members suggest improvements and draw attention to weaknesses in the development of the research. The student is required to take into account these suggestions, and proceed to the according necessary corrections.
After reviewing the final text of the form, the supervisor signs it and the student posts it on the dissertation platform of the MA "Cultural Policy and Development". The form is also signed by the student.