ΠΙΘ521: Aspects of Greek and Cypriot History

  • Κωδικός / Course Code: ΠΙΘ521
  • ECTS: 15
  • Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment: 2 Assignments (30%), Interactive activities (10%), Final exam (60%)
  • Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (εαρινό)/ Semi-annual (spring)
  • Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: 675 euro
  • Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate
  • Αναλυτική πληροφόρηση: PITH521_11.2023.pdf

The aim of the Module ΠΙΘ521 is to acquaint students with selected subjects of Greek and Cypriot history, in the realms of political history and international relations of the last two centuries. In this context, the course ΠΙΘ521 is not a conventional modern history course. Rather, it aims to emphasize those historical aspects that are related to present developments, contributing in this way on a comprehensive understanding of current politics. Deep knowledge of specific historical developments is a fundamental prerequisite of any constructive involvement in the political life of Greece and the Republic of Cyprus. A learned study of specific and critical dimensions of the political history of the two countries in the last two centuries comprises an indisputable condition for the comprehension of the current political situation. Also, equally critical is the systematic study regarding questions on the nature and historical development of essential foreign policy aspects. The capability that the course offers to delve into various essential political topics, such as Greek-Turkish relations and the Macedonian and Cyprus disputes, leads not only to a comprehensive understanding of those issues, but also to the adoption of a responsible political stance, regardless of how this stance is expressed or will be expressed in the future (i.e. through active political participation, press or digital media writing, other forms of public involvement etc.). The Module ΠΙΘ521 is divided in 4 Parts:

  • 1st Part: The historical background of Greek-Turkish relations, from the Fall of Constantinople (1453) to the Asia Minor Catastrophe (1922). The Greek-Turkish relations from the Treaty of Lausanne to the end of the Sec­ond World War (1923-1945)
  • 2nd Part: The Greek-Turkish relations and the Cyprus Question Ι (1945-1959)
  • 3rd Part: The Greek-Turkish relations and the Cyprus Question ΙΙ (1960-1974)
  • 4th Part: The Greek-Turkish relations and the Aegean dispute (1974-end of the 20th century)