- Κωδικός / Course Code: ΔΠΠ701B
- ECTS: 20
- Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment:
- Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (εαρινό ή χειμερινό)/ Semi-annual (Fall or Spring)
- Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: €650
- Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate
The Postgraduate Dissertation contributes to the deepening of research in the subject of this Postgraduate program, to the familiarizations of students with the process of research and research methods and to provision of further specialized knowledge in the field of study which a student chooses for his/her dissertation.
The choice of topic and supervisor is equal in each of the offered courses of the Program or broader in the fields of knowledge which the program deals with. Students submit a dissertation proposal which must be accepted by a member of the teaching staff of the Program who agrees to serve as their supervisor. Alternatively, students may choose from a range of topics proposed by the academic staff of the Program. Theses are evaluated by a three-member academic committee. The three-member committee is approved by the School concerned (in this case the School of Pure and Applied Sciences) and consists of the dissertation supervisor and two members. All three members, an in particular the supervisor, should have research and scientific experience related to the proposed topic.
The dissertation is carried out in two parts (two courses i.e. DPP701Α and DPP701Β) over two semesters, the 3rd and 4th corresponding to 10 + 20 ECTS, respectively. The final document (completed dissertation) is subject to a public defense and formal exam. In order to be able to register for the dissertation, a student should complete successfully the courses DPP511 Sustainable Development and DPP512 Research Methods. When DPP701Α is completed, the first part of the Dissertation, the student can proceed with the second part, DPP701B. During the second part he/she completes the research and writing up of the dissertation.
The supervisor and both members of the committee evaluate whether the research has been completed in accordance with the required scientific criteria. Then the three-member panel checks whether the dissertation has also followed OUC's regulation and "Guidelines for Graduate Theses". On assessing the aforementioned, the three-member committee decides whether the student is ready defend his / her dissertation and thus complete his / her study programme.
The Program organizes public presentations (defenses) of theses at the end of each academic semester. During each Master's thesis presentation, the student presents his research and findings and receives questions from his three-member examination committee. Upon completion of the questions the student leaves and the three-member committee meet to evaluate the student's performance. By successful defending his/her Master's thesis the student completes his/her academic obligations and can be awarded his/her degree.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply the concepts, theories and / or methodologies taught in the Program.
- Deepening knowledge in one of the postgraduate program thematic areas.
- Acquiring scientific and "expert-like" applied experience.
- Ability to research primary and secondary sources, gather, classify, select, evaluate, synthesize and analyze material.
- Ability to analyze and synthesize data, formulate mature critical thinking and speech.
- Apply the rules of structure, writing, citing scientific sources and compiling bibliography.
- Students can determine specific learning outcomes in collaboration with their supervisor