Σαβ, Μαρ
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The Jean Monnet Chair “EU Institutions, Rights and Judicial Integration” follows the following objectives:

  1. Enhance the interest and profile of EU studies in Cyprus and abroad
  2. Develop a network and synergies of dialogue between the academic world and civil society, professional unions, and policy makers at local, national and European level
  3. Augment the level of knowledge on specific EU subjects
  4. Disseminate knowledge about the European fundamental rights protection, EU values, democracy and the rule to broader society

In this framework, our Chair introduces an ambitious programme of teaching, research, events and dissemination.

The Jean Monnet Chair focuses on the subjects of a) fundamental rights protection in the EU, b) EU Judicial protection, c) EU institutions. Those areas are of outmost importance as they touch upon the essence of the European citizenship and in order to address the challenges of European societies that face issues of radicalization, xenophobia, populism etc. Thus, the Chair aims at equipping learners and the broader society with knowledge and skills in order to comprehend the importance of the EU integration and the role of the EU in a globalized world as well as to develop their identity based on respect for human rights, the rule of law and democracy.


Διαδικτυακά Σεμινάρια για την Ισότητα και την Καταπολέμηση των Διακρίσεων στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

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New conference

Tiledialeksi NOM GREVIO 27 03 2024


Tiledialeksi NOM EUArrestWarrant 31 01 2024 v2

EN Co funded by the EU POS