Τετ, Μαρ

COS511: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (CP, Foundations)

The thematic unit COS511 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology aims at providing a comprehensive overview of…

COS512: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CS, Foundations)

The course covers fundamental notions from Artificial Intelligence, as a basis for subsequent courses. It…

COS513: Computational Intelligent Systems (CS, Foundations)

The COS513 Computational Intelligent Systems module provides a global overview of Computational Intelligent Systems, and…

COS514: Computational Neuroscience (CS, Foundations)

The thematic unit COS514 will provide tools and methods for characterizing what nervous systems do,…

COS521: Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition (CS, Learning)

This course presents basic frameworks of learning, offering the theoretical underpinning for the development of…

COS522: Learning and Memory in Humans (CP, Learning)

The module focuses on basic conceptualizations and processes of memory and learning. The students will…

COS523: Human Perception and Attention (CP, Perception)

This course follows-up earlier courses in the Program to provide an in-depth analysis of the…

COS524: Natural Language Processing (CS, Perception)

We will take Natural Language Processing in a wide sense to cover computer manipulation of…

COS613: Cognitive Agents and Reasoning (CS, Reasoning)

This course studies the development of cognitive agents with computational models of argumentation as the…

COS614: Adaptive and Interactive Systems (CS, Reasoning)

This interdisciplinary course aims to underline the importance of incorporating human factors in the design…

COS621: Experimental Psychology (CP, Systems)

The module aims to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of research design in experimental psychology.…

COS622: Cognitive Neuroscience (CP, Systems)

This module provides an in-depth survey of the extant data and models of a wide…

COS623: Cognitive System Design (CS, Systems)

The goal of the course is to expose students to a comprehensive cross-section of the…

COS624: Topics in Data Science

The broad availability of data in every aspect of life has created an unprecedented interest…

COS695: Industry Placement (1st)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

COS696: Industry Placement (2nd)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

COS701A: Master Thesis I

The Master Thesis reflects autonomous study on behalf of the student, and deals with a…

COS701B: Master Thesis II

The Master Thesis reflects autonomous study on behalf of the student, and deals with a…

ELP512: Applied Educational Research: Quantitative Methods

The purpose of the Module is to familiarize students with the important stages of conducting…

ELP521: Evaluation of Teaching and Teachers

In this thematic unit students will be introduced to the evaluation of teaching and teachers.…

ELP621: Strategic planning in education

The purpose of the Module is to get students acquainted and familiarized with strategic planning…

ELP622: Program Evaluation in Education

In this Thematic Unit, students will study concepts-definitions of program evaluation, the differences between research…

ELP695: Industry Placement (1st)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

ELP696: Industry Placement (2nd)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

ELP701A: Master’s Thesis I

The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their…

ELP701B: Master’s Thesis II

The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their…

ERM502: Advanced Quantitative Methods for Managers

The objective of this module is to provide the general framework of quantitative methods and…

ERM503: Risk Management and Risk Management Standards

This module presents important issues related to Risk Management Standards and Risk Management Information Systems…

ERM511: Principles of Economics for Risk Management

This Thematic Unit / Module is designed to introduce students to the foundation topics in…

ERM512: Advanced Quantitative Methods for Risk Management

This Thematic Unit / Module is designed to introduce students to econometric techniques and their…

ERM513: Risk and Risk Management

The Module “Risk and Risk Management”, ERM513, is designed to introduce students to the concept…

ERM522: Predictive Analytics in Risk Management

This Thematic Unit / Module is designed to to introduce students to a range of…

ERM523: Risk Management Standards and Techniques

This Thematic Unit / Module, is designed to introduce students to the application of the…

ERM601: Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning

The objective of this module is to provide the general framework of Crisis Management and…

ERM611: Crisis Management

Module “Crisis Management”, ERM611, is designed to introduce students to evaluation of implications from Crisis…

ERM612: Business Continuity Planning

This Thematic Unit / Module is designed to advance student knowledge and analytical skills in…

ERM695: Industry Placement (1st)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

ERM695: Industry Placement (1st)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

ERM696: Industry Placement (2nd)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

ERM696: Industry Placement (2nd)

With the successful completion of this module, the students should be able to: Co-operate effectively…

ERM701A: Master Thesis Ι

As part of completing the studies for obtaining a Master's Degree (Master's) in Enterprise Risk…

ERM701B: Master Thesis ΙΙ

As part of completing the studies for obtaining a Master's Degree (Master's) in Enterprise Risk…

MBA50: Organisation Management

•           Managerial Economics•           Principles of Management•           Organizational Behavior•           Human Resource Management This Study Unit presents important…

MBA51: Accounting and Finance

The course Accounting & Finance is an introductory course on financial accounting and reporting, and…

MBA511: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

This module focuses on two main subject areas, namely Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management:…