Σαβ, Μαρ

ERM611: Crisis Management

  • Κωδικός / Course Code: ERM611
  • ECTS: 10
  • Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment: 2 Assignments (30%), Interactive activities (10%), Final Exam (60%)
  • Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (χειμερινό) / Semi-annual (fall)
  • Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: 500 euro
  • Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate
  • Προαπαιτούμενα/ Prerequisites: ERM513: Risk and Risk Management 
  • Αναλυτική πληροφόρηση: ERM611_ECTS_2024_Module_Layout.pdf

Module “Crisis Management”, ERM611, is designed to introduce students to evaluation of implications from Crisis Management decision-making theories, frameworks, approaches, and models for organisations in the Digital Society.

The main objective of the module is to train students in:

– Introduce the concept(s) of crisis, risk evaluation, and risk communication.
– Critically evaluate key stages in a crisis.
– Identify and assess socio-cultural, and other factors shaping a crisis, including the role of digital social media.
– Evaluate models, theories, and emerging professional trends in crisis management.
– Assess the underlying role of ethics in crisis management for the digital age.

The module focuses on cognitive, conceptual approaches and ways to link theory and practice in the evaluation of issues impacting organizational decision-making about Crisis Management in the digital age. Theories are discussed in relation to actual case studies detailing critical events in organisations and implications are drawn out. Case studies are historical in nature, but where appropriate current crisis management events are used to highlight issues and implications of relevance to the module.