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Διαδικτυακά Σεμινάρια: «Διεθνείς Σχέσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα»

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EU law and policies against racism and discrimination

The new open seminar is addressed to students following different disciplines as well as legal professionals, civil society representatives, social partners etc. The seminar will examine how the foundational texts of the European Union as well as several EU Directives, as interpreted through the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), conceptualise the prohibition of discrimination, in what areas of social and economic life these norms are applicable and how they work in practice. The seminar will introduce learners to the basic concepts, but will advance learning into the individual discrimination grounds of age and disability. The relevant concepts will be placed in the context of other international instruments that cover the same non-discrimination grounds. In the class discussion, we will also consider how these norms have been implemented in national legislation in various EU Member States and countries outside the EU. Finally, the EU strategy against racism and intolerance will be examined and the combating of racist speech and hate crimes though criminal law will be addressed.

EU International relations and Human rights

The new open seminar is addressed to students following different disciplines as well as legal professionals, civil society representatives, social partners etc. The seminar will examine the role of the EU in the international system. It will provide learners with new insights and additional knowledge regarding the EU decision making process regarding the foreign policy of the EU, the EU international agreements, economic relations with third counties and security cooperation with third countries. The issue of promotion of human rights and democratization will also be thoroughly examined. Finally the new EU sanctions mechanism will be also addressed. Learners will develop profound knowledge of European Union dynamics and functions.


Διαδικτυακά Σεμινάρια για την Ισότητα και την Καταπολέμηση των Διακρίσεων στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

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EN Co funded by the EU POS