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OUC's Library, via its collaboration with Cyprus Library Consortium (CLC), gain access to hundends of Full Text Electronic Books.

Access offered bothly from OUC's Premisses via IP Range and remotly via the Intermediate provider “OPEN ATHENS”.


All subscripted collections are presenting by Publisher/Provider:

Ebook Central (ProQuest)
An interdisciplinary platform that provides access to hundreds of thousands of academic e-books.

Any subscripted E-book can be read online, but also the content can be downloaded and lended it for 7 days.

*That function requires a personal account. For the detailed demo click here.

EBSCOhost eBook Collection

An interdisciplinary platform that provides access to hundreds of thousands of academic e-books.

Any subscripted E-book can be read online, but also the content can be downloaded and lended it for 7 days. That function requires a personal account.

Elsevier e-books
The publisher Elsevier, via its platform ScienceDirect, provides access to hundreds of thousands of academic e-books:

Emerald  eBook Series
An interdisciplinary platform that provides access to hundreds of thousands of academic e-books. For specific content which included in OUC's subscripted e-book collection just choose “only content I have access to” and then choose “Book” or “Book Series” full Full Access.

IEEE Proceedings
From IEEE Xplore Digital Library platform OUC's Library gain access to IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL), which also includes Conference proceedings and Standards from below collections:

Oxford Reference Online (ORO)
Access gained to full text of hundrends of vocabularies, encyclopedias and other Reference works for Oxford University Press.

Oxford Scholarship Online

Access to publisher's e-book collection for subject topics of:

Royal Society of Chemistry eBook Collection
Access is given for hundreds of e-books on chemical sciences published between 1968-2009.

For the custom collection find specific titles, by clicking here.

Springer Full eBook Package (Copyright Years 2005-2018)
Springer offers access to thousands of e-books via:

Wiley ebooks An interdisciplinary platform that provides access to hundreds of thousands of academic e-books.

WILEY InterScience
An interdisciplinary platform that provides access to hundreds of academic e-books.αρέχει πρόσβαση σε εκατοντάδες η-βιβλία.

For the custom collection find in alphabetically order the titles, by clicking here.