Παρ, Μαρ
on Visual Anticipation
and Futures Literacy
towards Visual Literacy

The Research Project

mental-gc742f7727_1280.jpgThe research project “Visual Anticipation and Futures Literacy towards Visual Literacy” investigates and questions our thought patterns, and provides tools for emancipated, empowered and critical visual thinking and acting.

Cultural images carry our cultural past, our heritage, norms, mind-sets and manners, shared narratives and myths. They are the glue that keep societies together. However, at the same time, they are the invisible barriers that limit individual potential, authentic expressions, imagination and creativity.

The Chair explores the role of cultural visuals in moulding our relations with the past, the ways we experience it in the present and carry it in the future.

Our objectives are to:

  • Run Visual Literacy workshops based on the Futures Literacy methodology.
  • Design visual literacy tools that will enhance and expand the impact of Visual Literacy workshops, and will enrich educational methods at all levels of education.
  • Introduce the Visual Literacy methodology and tools to researchers, students of secondary and higher education, active citizens, and educators of all levels of education, thus, fostering the impact of their work.
  • Collect data on how cultural images shape our mindsets.
  • Trace the impact Visual Literacy process has on workshops’ participants and the ways it brings transformation and change in their work and daily life.