Σαβ, Μαρ

MBA50: Organisation Management

  • Κωδικός / Course Code: MBA50
  • ECTS: 24
  • Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment:

    4 γραπτές εργασίες (7.5% η κάθε μια) και Τελική Εξέταση (70%)

  • Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Ετήσια/ Annual
  • Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: 1080 euro
  • Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate

•           Managerial Economics
•           Principles of Management
•           Organizational Behavior
•           Human Resource Management
This Study Unit presents important issues related to the economic environment in which a firm operates, focusing on concepts and practices of the modern firms’ Management and Human Resource Management. The purpose of this Study Unit is to provide students a theoretical background for the analysis of the national and international markets and of the current economic policies, as well as to provide them knowledge regarding the management of the modern firms and their personnel.