
Κυρ, Σεπ
on Visual Anticipation
and Futures Literacy
towards Visual Literacy

How Sustainable Development relates to Cultural Management?

Cultural management based on sustainable development has many challenges to manage and many more contradictions to balance. Sustainable cultural development aims to create the conditions for inclusive access to cultural goods and services, hence combat social exclusion or exclusion based on national and cultural identity. It focuses, as well, on issues of conservation and promotion of cultural heritage sites in relation to the consequences of climate change and mass tourism. At the same time, encouragement, support and promotion of individual creativity by providing the conditions that secure free expression and participation in collective life constitutes another spearhead within the context of sustainable cultural development. Through inclusive policies that put participatory democracy into practice, people are encouraged to become active co-creators of the future.

Empirical evidence suggests that inclusive societies are resilient, productive and, above all, adaptive to changes. Resilient citizens can manage their lives and achieve their well-being (Miller 2018). Adaptability and resilience are pivotal concepts within the sustainable development context. Their consequences, empowerment and creativity, are key objectives in Futures Literacy (FL) capacity building methodology.

Useful links:

Culture and Sustainable Development

World Heritage and Sustainable Development

Transforming the Future: Anticipation in the 21st Century